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Deck with Fire Bowl

Our Initiatives

Find out more about the initiatives we are working on at the moment. We will post updates on their progress here. Also, these will constantly change as we reach our goals and move on to new endeavors. Keep checking back!

Rustic Dining Room


Our Homestead

With our homestead, we plan to set an example to all those to whom we minister. Having visited and studied various communities that are off-grid, we have been able to plan, project, and start the transformation of our personal and familiar lives into modeling living as faithful stewards of the earth, as God had intended. 


Retreat Center

Building of off-gird facilities for our outreach. We hope to have accommodations to receive communities joining us for retreats, educational workshops, hands-on activities, volunteering, ecological and sustainable projects, and more. This would not just be about personal growth, but rather an active weaving of a tapestry of connection with others, the earth, and all living things. 

Enjoying a Book
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EcoVida focuses on assisting Latino churches. We strive to equip and empower their volunteers with training and workshops. This will enable them to participate and facilitate our multifaceted approach encompassing social media outreach and the weekly studies supplied through the multimedia curriculum. We have been and will continue to host several activities for the Latino churches such as family retreats, youth retreats, VBS, day events, Bible studies, and others. Please visit our Gallery of Events and click on the fliers to see the events we have hosted or helped plan and execute.   



Our curriculum includes video Bible lessons, activities, prayers, and printout materials. The curriculum will be available every week for elementary-aged children, middle and high school students, and young adult students as well. In the future, we hope to offer a men's, women's, and couple's curriculum as well. 

Kids in Art Class
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